Postgraduate Department of Physics and Research Centre, Baselius College, Kottayam cordially invite you to attend the one-day workshop on Databases, Research Metrics & publication ethics. Topics included in this workshop belong to the mandatory common course Research & Publication Ethics, applicable to all Ph.D. students as part of their PreRegistration Course Work.
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Topics to be covered
Indexing databases; Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus;
Impact factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report (JIF), SNIP, SJR, IPP,
CiteScore; Metrics: h-index, g-index, i10-index; Altmetrics; Fake Impact
Factors; Intellectual Honesty; Research Ethics; Research Integrity;
Scientific Misconducts; Academic Misconducts -Redundant Publications
Publication Ethics; Selective Reporting & Misrepresentation of Data;
Conflict of Interest, Authorship and Contributorship;
Plagiarism /Plagiarism Checker; Best Practices/Standards Setting
Initiatives and Guidelines; Open Access Journals; Journal Finder/Journal
Suggestion Tools; Predatory Journals;
Cloned (Hijacked) Journals;UGC CARE List;What is DoI?;What is ISSN
number?;Retraction Watch ;Mendeley Reference Manager