Click Below ๐ & Share This News WhatsApp Facebook Twitter LinkedIn CopyCopied Messenger The 2nd and 3rd year UG department of mathematics of vimala college organizes fresher’s day program ‘PANIVARUNNUNDU AVARAACHA’ for 1st year UG was on 29 july 2024.the program started from 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm.In this program there were many competitions.this program was held by representatives of 2nd year and 3rd year. we included teachers also in this program too.all were participating actively.we started the session with prayer.we welcomed all 1st years by giving them welcome cards with chocolate.we also had dances of 2nt year and 3rd students,songs of 1st years,2nd years and 3rd years.we taked selfie’s with this program our main item was sari-taking competition with time limit.for the winner of sari-taking competition,prizes were given.we also had fashion show competition.there were talks by teachers and students.we also played by showing the actions of film names in front of 1st years(teachers and students).at the end of the program we distributed chocolate and samosas to the students. เดเตเดณเตเดเตเดเดณเดฟเตฝ เดจเดเดเตเดเตเดจเตเดจ เดเดคเตเดคเดฐเด เดชเตเดฐเตเดเตเดฐเดพเดฎเตเดเดณเตเดเตเดเตเดฑเดฟเดเตเดเดฑเดฟเดฏเตเดตเดพเตป เดเดเตเดเดณเตเดเต WhatsApp เดเตเดฐเตเดชเตเดชเดฟเตฝ Join เดเตเดฏเตเดฏเต…. Publish your campus activities in Campus Life Online? Click here Post navigation Inter Department Debate Competition, Vimala college (Autonomous) Thrissur Collegiate literary fest imprints 2k24 Organized