Case Study 04 : The Entrepreneurial Journey of Mr. Raju: From Grocery Shopkeeper to Multi-Business Millionaire Click Below ð & Share This News Background Mr. Raju, a humble grocery shopkeeper from a small town, exemplifies resilience, strategic thinking, and adaptability. Initially, his profits were minimal, yet… Case Study 03 : Journey of SpeedAce Automotives: From Small Car Manufacturer to Leading Spare Parts Dealer Click Below ð & Share This News Background SpeedAce Automotives was founded in 2002 as a small car manufacturing company in the outskirts of Kochi, Kerala. The company aimed to… Case Study 02: The Journey of Maya’s Homemade Ventures Click Below ð & Share This News Introduction Maya George, a resident of a small town in Kerala, turned her passion for homemade food into a thriving business. Born into… Case Study 01 : The Rise of Ramesh – A Journey from Struggle to Success Click Below ð & Share This News Introduction Ramesh, a young entrepreneur from a small town in Kerala, dreamt of starting his own spice trading business. With Kerala being known… Think like entrepreneurs: Click Below ð & Share This News Here are five simple tasks to help students to think like entrepreneurs: Task 1: Idea Generation– Time: 5 minutes– Instructions: Write down as…